Thursday, January 7, 2010

P90x - Day 5 & 6

I fell asleep last night before I could update everyone on my Day 5! (ok, I fell asleep after cuddling up to Chris & watching Jennifer's Body - which BTW was TERRIBLE - not worth wasting $5 to rent it! IMO - and forgot to post yestday)

Ooops...My bad!

Yesterday I did Back & Legs - and those damn wall squats are a BIATCH! *pardon my bad english* My legs were shaking so bad that I thought I was going to fall on my booty cushion! This work out was definitly tougher than I thought it would be!! Wow - O - Wow - legs were like spaghetti noodles!

I keep staying positive - I keep thinking "In just 80 more days - you're going to have one HOT rump shaka!" or at least a little less cottage cheese in my pants!

Ok that sounded a little gross - I meant the cellulite trailing my ass everyday.

Ya...On A-nother note...

Tonight was Kenpo & I think Im *in love*! This was by far an amazing work out and so much fun! I love the super active, cardio, kickboxing, non-stop action, my bodies going to rebel against me tomorrow, workouts! I can't wait to do another round of this workout! Is it hard? Oh hell yes! But I always like a good challange ;)

So for today's "unofficial" weigh in - I woke up at 121lbs today! Which means I am getting closer to my ultimate weight goal! I have been calorie counting like it's going out of style and I have been drinking water like it's liquid gold!

I think that pretty much wraps it up - tomorrow is my "off" day, but I think I am still going to do X-Stretch, just because I am used to working out everyday now - so I want to keep up the momentum!

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